In the first part of this series about State Machine, we covered the basics about it: how to set up and how to use the main features. In this part, we will cover Internal Transitions.
Understanding internal transition
When using a state machine, there are some scenarios where we want to do actions on a specific State without changing the state. For example, in a VideoPlayer, while the video is playing if we want to enable functionality such as Forward/Rewind we want to fire an action but also maintain the current state.
To achieve this, we can use internal transitions which allow adding transitions into a specific state. These transitions are fired by triggers, once fired they execute an action without changing the current state.
Let’s code it
First, we are going to add Forward and Rewind to the VideoTrigger enum.
In the ViewModel, we add the internal transitions to the state machine for the Playing state. One for Rewind which will subtract 5 seconds from the video time and another one for Forward which will add 5 seconds.
Finally, we add the buttons for Rewind and Forward to the UI.

That’s it for now, stay tuned for the next part where we’ll talk more about this topic. Check the full source code here.
Happy Stateless!