This article is part of the code snippets June calendar by Luis Matos, click here to check all the great contributions.
When developing a Xamarin Forms Prism application there’s code that we always use such as navigating, container registrations, initializations, display of alerts, etc. In this post, I will share some code snippets that cover these tasks and that can be imported and used in Visual Studio.
Here is the list of code snippets:
- Application Class Implementation
- Android Platform Initializer Class
- iOS Platform Initializer Class
- Container Page Registration
- Container Instance Registration
- Container Service Registration
- BaseViewModel Class
- Display an Alert
- Display an ActionSheet
- Navigation & Modal Navigation with/without params
- DelegateCommand
Application Class implementation
Snippet: papp
Android Platform Initializer Class
Snippet: pinitdroid
iOS Platform Initializer Class
Snippet: pinitios
Container Page registration
Snippet: pregnav
Container Instance Registration
Snippet: pregin
Container Service Registration
Snippet: pregserv
BaseViewModel Class
Snippet: pbvm
Display an Alert
Snippet: palert
Display an ActionSheet
Snippet: pasheet
Snippet: pnav
With params:
Snippet: pnavparam
Modal Navigation
Snippet: pnavm
With params:
Snippet: pnavmparam
Delegate Commands
Snippet: pcmd
Import the code snippets
You can download all these snippets here.
To import them in Visual Studio you just have to go to your Visual Studio snippets folder ( Mac: ~/Library/VisualStudio/8.0/Snippets or PC : \Visual Studio 2019\Code Snippets\C#), paste the snippets there and re-open VisualStudio.
For more information check.
Happy Prism Snippets!