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Xamarin Forms Prism Code Snippets

This article is part of the code snippets June calendar by Luis Matos, click here to check all the great contributions.

When developing a Xamarin Forms Prism application there’s code that we always use such as navigating, container registrations, initializations, display of alerts, etc. In this post, I will share some code snippets that cover these tasks and that can be imported and used in Visual Studio.

Here is the list of code snippets:

  • Application Class Implementation
  • Android Platform Initializer Class
  • iOS Platform Initializer Class
  • Container Page Registration
  • Container Instance Registration
  • Container Service Registration
  • BaseViewModel Class
  • Display an Alert
  • Display an ActionSheet
  • Navigation & Modal Navigation with/without params
  • DelegateCommand

Application Class implementation

Snippet: papp

Android Platform Initializer Class

Snippet: pinitdroid

iOS Platform Initializer Class

Snippet: pinitios

Container Page registration

Snippet: pregnav

Container Instance Registration

Snippet: pregin

Container Service Registration 

Snippet: pregserv

BaseViewModel Class

Snippet: pbvm

Display an Alert

Snippet: palert

Display an ActionSheet

Snippet: pasheet


Snippet: pnav

With params:

Snippet: pnavparam

Modal Navigation 

Snippet: pnavm

With params:

Snippet: pnavmparam

Delegate Commands 

Snippet: pcmd

Import the code snippets

You can download all these snippets here.

To import them in Visual Studio you just have to go to your Visual Studio snippets folder ( Mac: ~/Library/VisualStudio/8.0/Snippets or PC : \Visual Studio 2019\Code Snippets\C#), paste the snippets there and re-open VisualStudio.

For more information check.

Happy Prism Snippets!